

22 sep 2024

Soon streaming: Rood's new album.
Expected release date Fall 2024.

19 apr 2024

for Rood Adeo Albums & Lyrics
click lyrics in the upper menu

03 mar 2024

Rood is recording his upcoming album at Silly Sound Artists
Expected release fall 2024

18 Jan 2024

Rood Adeo by painter SAAD ALI.

26 dec 2023

SAT 23 DEC 2023 | 20.30u
Thiemeloods Theater | NIJMEGEN

Rood Adeo in concert live, Thiemeloods Theater

[review by Luus Veeken]
'Poetic, raw and melancholic'
'The evening at Thiemeloods Theater in Bottendaal with singer songwriter Rood Adeo on Dec. 23, 2023, is memorable. (...) In the duets, a beautiful blend of Rood Adeo's bronze, sometimes gritty sound, and Esther Croezen's clear, sonorous voice. A vocal entanglement. The pleasure in playing together spills out. (...) In short: a fascinating evening with an intriguing mix of singing styles and musical genres...'

For the full concert review click here (text: Luus Veeken)

14 aug 2023

Rood Adeo in concert at Starclimber Theatre Open Air
Sat Aug 19th 2023 @ 20:30h
featuring Esther Croezen, Johan Jansen
with Peter Rutten, Peter S, Gieselaar & Hessel Herder
Starclimber Theatre, Plasmolen (L)

29 jun 2023

Rood picks up where he left off in 2020. This summer, he resumes hammering, chiseling, sawing and sanding his pianoconcert in A (listen excerpt bar 91-108 here, recorded in 2020). A collaboration between DPA and Silly Sound HB Ensemble (Photography by Bodile Decker, DPA).

15 dec 2022

in T.O.P. concert
Rood Adeo ft. Esther Croezen & Tessa Zoutendijk
VR 06 JAN 2023 - 21.00u
Theaterkerk Bemmel,
Markt 5, 6681 AE Bemmel

'We hebben op 3 september op de Culturele Uitmarkt in de Theaterkerk tijdens het spontane miniconcert al kunnen genieten van de geweldige twee-eenheid van meester-songwriter Rood Adeo en vocaliste Esther Croezen: zó relaxt, diep, humoristisch, en zó muzikaal!
We treffen het dan ook op de 6e januari; Rood Adeo wordt in het kersverse nieuwe jaar niet alleen geflankeerd door Esther ‘Berkeley Square Nightingale’ Croezen, maar ook door de strijkende kruisbestuiver van jazz, folk, klassiek en impro: Tessa Zoutendijk.
Mis dit TOP Rood Adeo-concert in de Theaterkerk dus niet, en kijk of je het droog houdt: deze avond met Adeo op reprise belooft opnieuw ‘himmelhoch jauchzend, zu Tode betrübt’ te worden!'
(text: T.O.P., Bemmel)

Over Worn Love, het laatste album Rood Adeo.
“In 2012 omschreef de Allegro USA de stem van Rood Adeo als ‘The voice of life itself: beautiful and painful at the same time’. Vijf tijdzones en negen jaar later, besef ik dat die omschrijving niet alleen Roods stem, maar de intentie van zijn hele werk typeert: afdalen in de donkere, absurde lagen van de psyche om een objectieve schoonheid naar boven te kunnen halen. Ook zijn nieuwste album, ‘Worn Love’, plukt gretig aan gevoelssnaren, rukt schellen van de ogen en spot met de onvermijdelijke realiteit: hoe beautiful het leven, maar hoe painful het met de mens gesteld is.”
Lachspiegels & Röntgenfoto’s, recensie Worn Love Rood Adeo, Kroese Records (KRCD044), MvdB

14 nov 2022

@ BREBL - An unforgettable and lovely gathering in hometown Nijmegen: great musicians, a wonderful audience and a kick-ass crew at the the 10 nov 2022 venue Rood Adeo @ Brebl Nijmegen. Thank you everyone for coming and enjoying the show! Thanks to Tessa Zoutendijk, Dion Nijland, Seb Gieselaar, Nikki Rutten, Maaike Teunissen, and Godfried Verstegen.

03 nov 2022

met: Rood Adeo, Peter S. Gieselaar, Tessa Zoutendijk, Dion Nijland

Waalbandijk 14E Nijmegen
Aanvang: 20:30u | Bestel je Tickets Hier

ROOD ADEO 'Worn Love'
Op 10 november presenteert Rood in Brebl presenteert ‘Worn Love’, het partneralbum van ‘Voluntary Intakes’, waarmee het een tweeluik vormt van maar liefst 31 tracks aan nieuwe nummers, eerdere opnames en live uitvoeringen. Live of studio: voor Adeo's power house aan muziek en poëzie kunnen we maar beter even gaan zitten.
De presentatie van het lang verwachte album Worn Love is een must voor alle dieper gravende music & words liefhebbers. Rood wordt in Breble geëscorteerd door Tessa Zoutendijk (viool) & Dion Nijland (contrabas). De avond wordt ongekunsteld en recht voor z'n raap en doorgekneed door dichter Peter S. Gieselaar.

PETER S. GIESELAAR 'Autoweg Naar Toen'
In 2022 verschijnt het verbindende Autoweg Naar Toen bij Uitgeverij StarClimbers: Haags eigenwijs, ongekunsteld recht voor z’n raap.

"De spontane overwegingen treffen vergankelijkheid, liefde en melancholie. Rake, filmische taferelen, die het verband blootleggen tussen verbeelding en poëzie als betekenisdrager." [Turing]
"Fraaie representationele semantiek: Gieselaars gedicht Leeg laat, als geen ander gedicht, de lezer voelen wat eindeloze leegte inhoudt." [Awater]
"Peter S. Gieselaars poëzie put zachtjes uit verafgelegen verdriet en lang verdrongen liefde, maar drukt je hard in de verwaarloosde rust van hier en nu." [Rood Adeo]

02 nov 2022

About artistic inspiration and preferences, about Frank Sinatra, Harry Connick Jr., Bob Dylan and Daniel Lanois, among others.... For a brief exchange on musical boosters with Ugenda's Steven Trooster and Rood Adeo (in concert 10 NOV at BREBL), click here

22 sep 2022

ROOD ADEO on collaborations with visual artist, poets and writers: 

'Over the past 25 years I have had the opportunity to merge my songs with the works of visual artists and poets I admire. Artists I met before in one way or another, apart from the work we make. Not that the way we met is relevant, but the connection thus becomes more personal, self-important and coincidental from both sides.
These experiments always take on a life of their own. ´Going out together on a blind date´ causes our individual works to emigrate to another dimension. Far beyond our initial spheres of influence. It is always insane, discovering the surprising impact a new medium or material has on an existing or new song.

'On every corner of every moment of each day, there are people who can blow your mind, blow your socks off and make your head spin. Last September, I encountred Loes Groothuis' mesmerizing installations and instantly we shifted the song 'Paradise To Me' into a completely different gear. The song itself is an absurdity, a Woody Allen-esque obscenity that mostly elicits sarcasm. Groothuis' hypnotizing masks add a more fairytale-like and more dangerous perspective to it.

'In the past three decades a substantial battery, or gallery if you like, has emerged, covering a wide variety of different techniques: oil paint, ceramics, (photo)animation, 3D, paperwork, film, cartoon....
At makershouse Silly Sound, I worked with so many great and inspiring creators such as Rachel Kruithof (NL), Pauline Lubbers Huntjes (NL), Andreas Hetfeld (D), Astrid van Rijn (NL), Eelko van Iersel (NL), Romy Pfeiffer (D), The70KID (NL), Alice Jetten (NL), Eric de Bruijn (P), Lieke Bisschop (NL), Roman Kolakowski (PL), Frank Norbert Rieter and Peter Sebastiaan Gieselaar (NL). Maybe this is a good place to epress my gratitude to all those artists I admire in many ways... I'm glad we met in the same time-space bubble, you one and all!'

(Click on the pic above, and you'll experience some of Rood's collaborations and exchanges)

22 jul 2022

Rood never fails to embarrass himself...
in Kreutzberg Mood, Thank you Berlin und danke Frank W.!

ROOD ADEO - It All Gets Embarrassing From Here (Live)
(words & music by FRANK WILLEMSEN)

with: Rood Adeo vocals & piano, Guido Jansen violin, Kristijan Kranjcan cello, Taeke Stol double bass, Bras Off Quintet horns, arrangement by Rood Adeo

watch ROOD ADEO - It All Gets Embarrassing From Here (Live) here

© 2022 Silly Sound

12 may 2022

Rood Adeo's latest album Worn Love now streamable on over 100 platforms

11 mar 2022

LOVE RAGS - 7 volumes Rood Adeo lyrics
for free download, click lyrics in the menu


08 mar 2022

Stream the new Rood Adeo album WORN LOVE here!

28 dec 2021

At last, recording some frequency vibes with Esther Croezen!

18 dec 2021

Coming back to Beauforthuis Theatre Austerlitz feels like coming home...
In concert with Aldo Spadaro, Johan Jansen, Mark Eshuis and David de Marez Oyens.

14 dec 2021

preparing in Hilversum with bass-player David de Mares Oyens for upcoming concerts
at Beauforthuis Theatre and Luxor Live Arnhem. Looking forward meeting you there!

04 oct 2021

Rood Adeo - Worn Love album release interview Up Close And Personal
Aad van Nieuwkerk (VPRO/Cultuur24/7) Inge Wetering (IWT/Cultuur24/7)
For the full interview: click here

11 sep 2021

Rood Adeo Worn Love album release - hometown interview by Eelco Walraven (RTV Connect)

24 jul 2021

Last day filming with Silly Sound's Chem Dupont
directing the fantastic choreography for
(words & music ROOD ADEO)

watch video 'I Love You Baby But I Hate That Blues' here

ROOD ADEO  vocals, guitars, prep bass & percussion
TOON MEIJER  tenor saxophones
JAN FLUBACHER  double & arco bass
LIV VAN MAANEN  table top drums
TON VAN NISPEN  pans & spoons

For the 2021 Rood Adeo album 'Worn Love'
Produced, recorded and mixed by ROOD ADEO at Silly Sound
Art direction and choreographic design Chem Dupont 
Vid-production by Silly Sound @ De Refter Ubbergen
Production by Kroese Records

29 jun 2021

Worn Love finally declassified!
Silly Sound is proud to anounce Rood Adeo's new album
Worn Love finally has been declassified after 100 years
Release: September 24th, 2021 at KROESE Records NL
Pre-order HERE 

03 jun 2021

Walking with Beethoven - ROOD ADEO

Rood Adeo explores and enjoys the drives of 250 times birthday boy Ludwig van Beethoven.
Written, compiled and produced by Rood Adeo for Silly Sound / Dutch Performing Arts
Click here to watch Walking with Beethoven
© 2020 Silly Sound / Kroese Records / DPA

21 oct 2020

Rood Adeo - Piano Concerto in A (rehearsal excerpt)

Whenever possible, Rood tries to explore new as well as old territory, studying songs and works by contemporary songwriters and composers who inspire him, delving into the work of people from the past, and trying to understand and feel different ways of approaching the craft of music.

For DPA, Rood recorded some contemplations in the documentaries Walking with Beethoven and Rood adeo Plays Mozart. Rood: 'We are all working in a tradition. Nothing I write, is the first song or piece. I realize we all just work on that one and the same big piece of music, re-creating the mystery by working on that same great opus, cracking the same coconut, digging the same well, wielding our machetes, trying to clear a passable path to the same river. Sometimes I wanna see where other people already have been, where they've camped, what traces they left, and dive in their culture or particular tradition. Music offers us that magical opportunity of immersing oneself completely in a specific period in history that led us to where we are today. I enjoy experiencing the life and works of one particular composer for an extended period of time. Capturing a periode, an instrument or a composer is amazing. It's archaeology, it's speleology, it's remote viewing, it's telepathy, telekinese, time travelling. Without worrying about burning rocket fuel, wormhole sickness or spacetime aging. It simply doesn't get any better, exploring the realms of Sinatra, King Cole, Simone, Waits, Cale, Weill, or Sondheim. I spent seasons in Bach's bubble, months in Mozart's. Obviously, spending a decade with Chopin or Beethoven is a short stay, but nonetheless a mind blowing one. Every composer is worth while spending a lifetime researching. It is one of our shared tragedies, realizing the hard boudaries of one's own time and mind. Yet all too often, my limits force me to go elsewhere; due to insufficient physical finger technique or reading ability or a lack of time, my attention wanes automatically, and new areas start luring. My shortcomings and boundaries push me ahead. And that's what makes it an organic learning process in which there's nothing to prove, conquer or master. I just learn and enjoy the ride.'

To put those findings about music from earlier centuries in practice to a certain degree, Rood started writing music peaces in a 'classical form' in 2005, and continues doing so.
Rood: ' It is quite challenging, writing and arranging pieces the old-fashion way. It is a constant planning, managing musicians, time, room and space. Asking musicians to study and participate Some theater directors are very generous, letting me use their auditorium free of charge when it is empty. But these bumps deepen the learning process; there is a lot of time between recordings, giving me time to implement new input I receive from the various strings and winds. It's wonderful: each musician approaches a work differently. It is a mad man's passion and often more than I can chew, but the old school teaches me a lot, it's definitely rewarding and worth while.

For DPA, Rood recorded some contemplations in the documentaries Walking with Beethoven and Rood adeo Plays Mozart.

Wanna hear some of Rood Adeo's Piano Concerto in A?
Click here, for bar 91 to 108 (Oct 21, 2020 Rehearsal)
Many thanks Hague Bluff Ensemble, Brassed Off Quintet and SON & Concert Hall De Vereeniging!

20 oct 2020

Rood Adeo recording with Brassed Off Quintet ft. H. Bennink (© Silly Sound 2020)

12 may 2020

Lockdown Festival around da House, picking new outfits...

20 apr 2020

RETRATO by Emanuel Pessanha & Rood Adeo now streamable!

watch abum clip HERE 
stream album Retrato HERE 

"Heartache and joie de vivre… On this album Emanuel Pessanha's timbre, and Rood Adeo's toucher play a sophisticated game with our sense of time and our sentiments. A gathering of both Portuguese and Dutch musicians fills the room with anticipative nuances. A dreamy, non-traditional feast, yet captured in a very traditional fado ambiance: recorded in a relaxed, warm after-hours live setting, drenched in Alfalma 'tinto e branco'. 'Retrato' delivers a warm and lustful ode to the Fado and provides us with a timeless portrait of a friendship between musicians who know how to celebrate life the right way. Their shared Lisbon escapades, as well as the joy partaken in celebrating songs, oscillate on this collection of gems. When evening falls, the night is still long. For real passion, the morning light will wait a little longer." [Fado World, Sintra]

featuring: Emanuel Pessanha & Teresa Tapadas, vocals; Rood Adeo, piano; Servais Haanen, diatonic button accordion; Raimundo Seixas, portuguese guitarra; Loek Schrievers, acoustic guitar; Bob Wisselink, double bass.

Recorded Live at Wijnfort Lent Nijmegen The Netherlands
Produced by Eric de Bruijn / Jan Baltussen
Mixed by Henk Wanders & Loek Schrievers at Xapa Audio Gendt
Mastering at Studio Ammix Nijmegen
© 2000 Challenge Records Distribution
© 2011/2022 Silly Sound Artists

22 oct 2019

JJ Cale Revisted - Sold Out
J.J. Cale Revisted on Nov 10th 2019
Live at Beauforthuis featuring Rood Adeo, Loek Schrievers,
Johan Jansen, Jan Flubacher, Henny van Heck & Manuel Cooymans
Hope to see you next time at another venue!


20 sep 2019

LUXOR LIVE - in convert: Robin Bornman supported by Rood Adeo
Rood Adeo in concert at LUXOR LIVE

Proud to support Kroese Records label-mate ROBIN BORNEMAN coming Friday September 20th at 19:30h! Hope to see you all in Arnhem @ Luxor Live! Love, Rood Adeo.

19 sep 2019

Rood Adeo in concert at WALDORF100 Festival
Sept 20th 2019 - De Fabrique Maarssen (NL)
Hope to see you next time at another venue!

13 sep 2019

J.J. Cale Revisited - in concert

Op zondag 10 november presenteert Theater Beauforthuis “J.J. Cale Revisited 2019”. Dit unieke gelegenheidsconcert is gewijd aan de legendarische songwriter en gitarist J.J. Cale (1938-2013), icoon van de relaxte laid-back Tulsa Sound.

Cale’s invloed op de rock en de blues is enorm, en wordt de laatste jaren steeds meer onderkend. Op de tweede zondag van november wordt Cale’s werk opnieuw bezocht door een all-star formatie aan artiesten, wiens eigen werk beinvloed is door Cale: Rood Adeo, Loek Schrievers, Manuel Cooymans, Hennie van Heck, Jan Flubacher en Johan Jansen.

Sun Nov 10th - J.J. Cale REVISITED
Live at Beauforthuis Theatre Austerlitz
Watch preview HERE

31 dec 2018

Rood Adeo live @ at NPO4 Radio Ernst Daniel Smid
ft HBE, squash & Guido Jansen, violin

(photo © Silly Sound - Rood Adeo, Ernst Daniël Smid & Coosje Smid @ NPO4 Hilversum)

30 dec 2018

Rood Adeo at NPO4 Ernst Daniel Smid
Rood Adeo, violinist Guido Jansen & actrice Willeke van Ammelrooy (© Silly Sound)

22 dec 2018

in concert ROOD ADEO  Yuletide Ashes, Kerstconcert 2018

'Afgelopen maand verscheen het album Voluntary Intakes', de langverwachte tour de force van songwriter Rood Adeo. Maar geduld wordt beloond: het album klinkt zoals we het heel graag hebben: broeierig, indringend, romantisch en wars van hypes. De ondoorgrondelijke muzikale octopus Adeo overtreft zichzelf opnieuw met deze bodemloze juwelenkist aan pijnigende scenario’s, poëtische ontregeling en intieme liefdesverklaringen.
Deze avond in het Beauforthuis vormt de kwintessens van Adeo’s  productieve en bewogen seizoen, maar gaat verder dan eigen werk: onder de noemer 'Yuletide Ashes 1756-2018' plukt Rood de vruchten van 200 jaar romantiek, liefelijkheid en hartstocht en laat ze tijdens dit Kerstconcert gisten tot een ontroerende en hoopvolle glühwein.' [Zeister Courant]

ROOD ADEO - Kerstconcert ‘Yuletide Ashes’ 
Beauforthuis, 22 december 2018, 20.15u
TICKETS € 17,50 Sold Out - -

25 sep 2018


album release Voluntary Intakes

At last…! ROOD ADEO's new album Voluntary Intakes. The tool didn't replace the craft, and the money hasn't replaced the goods! All it took was a smooth collaboration with Kroese Records!! After a four-and-a-half-years' pregnancy, the new album - the first one of a twin - is ready to be released. And though the umbilical cord won't be cut totally, we will present the album Voluntay Intakes on October 28th, 15:00h with an exclusive concert at Fort Lent. Find you tickets here. Hope to see you all!

Sun Oct 28th, 2018 - Album Release 'Voluntary Intakes'
Fort Lent Theatre

23 sep 2018

Nijmeegse Marieke, het verhaal van Mariken van Nieumeghen opnieuw verteld in liederen door Karel Bosman Karel Bosman, met o.a. medewerking van Rood Adeo , werd eerder dit jaar gelanceerd als boek met cd. Het staat nu centraal in een unieke danstheatervoorstelling op een bijzondere locatie. Uniek, want de dansers nemen je mee van De Kaaij en over het wiebelbrug naar de Ooij. En alleen bezoekers ervaren de voorstelling, want het publiek wandelt met een ‘silent headphones’ mee met het theaterstuk.

Al voor het verschijnen van het boek met cd wandelden zij met dit idee rond. Na een jaar van voorbereidingen is het eindelijk zover. Het Nijmeegse Marieke danstheater gaat opgevoerd worden, op zondag 23 en zondag 30 september.

Uiteraard vervullen Marieke en Moenen de hoofdrol, vertolkt door danseres Yuliya Globa en bewegingsacteur Arjan Gebraad.

zondag 23 september, 14.00u + 16.30u
zondag 30 september, 13.30u + 15.30u

Start en einde: Lindenberghaven 1, Nijmegen

30 aug 2018

Back to new! Anticipating the new ROOD ADEO album.
Waiting for the printing and the dismissal! In the meantime,
click on the pic and enjoy previous Rood Adeo albums
on Apple Music.

07 nov 2017

ROOD ADEO in concert
Friday November 10th, 2017 • 20:15h
Beauforthuis Austerlitz
entrance € 17,50 (beverage incl.)
discount price € 13,50
(discount: CJP/culture pass, student card, little to spend)

21 aug 2017

Bas Rietmeijer (1 dec 1967 - 21 aug 2017)
On Aug 21st, bass-player, humorist, co-founder of Silly Sound
and long time friend Bas Rietmeijer, passed away.
He'll be remembered through word, sound, pic & thought.
(Photography by Heidi Van Essen)

03 mar 2017

Rood Adeo rehearsing with Fay Lovsky, Bas Rietmeijer, Guido Jansen & Kristijan Krajncan
at Beauforthuis Theatere, March 2017 (© Silly Sound 2017)

27 oct 2016

At present time, Rood is recording and mixing new songs with Silly Sound Artists
Bas Rietmeijer, Esther Croezen, Clance Vaassen, Peter Rutten, Loek Schrievers, a.m.o.
Previous albums will soon be released on iTunes.
Check out Rood Adeo's Facebook Page for new songs and day-to-day updates!

14 aug 2016

Rood Adeo in concert 
August 14th, 2016 - 22:15h
Nb Concert XTR
Theater Festival Boulevard
Festivalseizoen BLVRD Theater
's Hertogenbosch
TICKETS €27,50 Sold Out 

21 jan 2016

Rood Adeo's Lost For Words for NPO Short Movie Festival and Lago Filmfestival, Veneto, Italy

watch 'Lost For Words' here
Words and music by ROOD ADEO
camera & concept PAULINE HUNTJENS for NPO Short Movie Festival and Lago Filmfestival, Veneto, Italy
recorded & mixed by LOEK SCHRIEVERS @ XAPA
personnel: ROOD ADEO vocals, rhodes, sanza, synth guitars, bass, percussion & drums;
LOEK SCHRIEVERS electric guitars; JAN FLUBACHER double bass; THIJS VERWER drums
from the Rood Adeo album Perfect Life

12 sep 2015

Rood Adeo at Opera Special Live at venue Amsterdam Vondel CS
Sunday September 13th, 2015 Opera Special live from Amsterdam Vondel CS, 16.30 - 20.00h
In a joint radio broadcast of NTR and AVROTROS, radio programmes Opera Live and Ernst Daniël explore coming Opera Season. Hosts Hein van Eekert and Ernst Daniël Smid will talk about their favourite voices, build some bridges between different styles of music theatre, and welcome young national and international singers. Live music by Florieke Beelen, Eva Kroon, Bora Balci, Elena Syssojeva and one mystery guest. Guess who…

03 dec 2014

E.M. Remarque Friedenspreis 2015
For the presentation of the Remarque Peace Prize 2015 by the City of Osnabrück to Giusi Nicolini, Rood will be re-arranginging the music to 'Cellophane'. On the occasion of the award ceremony, the composition will be entitled 'All Is Quiet In The West', and the lyrics will encompass lines from Remarque's best-known work.
Thanks to Janusz Wozniak and Jutta Sauer, the Remarque Peace Center and the City of Osnabrück.

Participating musicians: a.o. Rood Adeo, Roland van Abel, Marek Leszczynski and Wieslaw Duczmal
©1929 Propyläen Verlag - ©2014 Supertracks/Knockwood Publishing/Rood Productions

22 sep 2013

Rood Adeo in concert
ft. Friedmar Hitzer
Festival De Oversteek
22 september 2014
marketed by Over Het IJ Festival & Operadagen Rotterdam

22 feb 2013

kristijan rood adeo vereeniging nijmegen
In the foreground we find Slovenian multi-instrumentalist and composer Kristijan Krajncan, here clearly adopting one of his more active body positions. Perfected in that most difficult aspect of musicianship: waiting. In the back we discern stringmaster Loek Schrievers, contemplating David Attenborough's life motto 'I wish the world was twice as big and half undiscovered.' Rood Adeo @ Concert Hall De Vereeniging, Nijmegen NL.
(photo by violinist Aili Deiwiks).

24 mar 2011

Click here to watch the short movie MAN by Stichting Pompoen for 48Hours 2011
Best use of Character • Beste use of Genre • Third Price, Public Award Group B

17 nov 2009

Rood Adeo in concert
Wintertuin Festival  Nijmegen
Vrij Zwemmen CC De Lindenberg

'Illuster trio woordkunstenaars uit Nijmeegse Indische buurt op literair festival Wintertuin'

Schrijver Frans W.M. Kusters, dichter H.H. ter Balkt en songwriter Rood Adeo staan 29 november samen op het podium van de Lindenberg. De drie Nijmegenaren delen meer dan hun voorliefde voor de woordkunst: zij woonden jarenlang op nog geen 100 meter van elkaar in de Indische buurt in Nijmegen.
Adeo meent dat dit geen toeval is: "Al onze buurtgenoten hebben woord-tics; iedereen lult en schrijft er maar wat op los, zelfs degenen die werkelijk niets te melden hebben. Ze stamelen, stotteren, blèren en hakkelen alsof hun leven ervan af hangt. Deze ernstige vorm van Nijmeegs-Indische inteelt is epidemisch, chronisch en letaal. Het zit in de grond, hè? En in de lucht. In het water, ook in de afvoer. Vóór de eerste bebouwing rond 1925, is er op die grond té lang eenzijdig woordsalade verbouwd. Ook heeft ergens in die buurt een spraakwaterval als zoetwatertoevoer gediend. Met alle gevolgen van dien. Maar aan die wetenschap hebben we nu niets. Er zijn sowieso al te veel woordgekken en er is door die wijkbewoners nu wel genoeg uit de school geklapt. Deze lokale theetantes dienen dan ook stante pede een halt toegroepen te worden. Meerdere literaire autoriteiten,  zoals uzelf, hebben zo'n poging gedaan, maar het zal u niet verbazen dat deze wauwelaars zich beroepsmatig Oost-Indinsch doof opstellen. Mijn advies luidt dan ook: 'uit de buurt blijven'. En ja, u mag mij woord voor woord citeren. Dat zien wij alle drie nou eenmaal bijzonder graag..." 

Tijdens het Wintertuin Festival 2009 geeft Rood n.a.v. de 60ste verjaardag van schrijver Frans Kusters  een gelegenheidsconcert (1949) - m.m.v. dichter H.H. ter Balkt (1939).

kijk hier naar een verslag van Wintertuin Festival 2009, een reportage van Bas Andriessen

09 oct 2009

Rood Adeo in concert
album release Perfect Life
Live @ Arthouse LUX Nijmegen
[De Gelderlander, photo by Chris Christoffersen]

12 dec 2006

Rood Adeo at VPRO Radio
Rood Adeo and saxophonist Toon Meijer, Hilversum Media Park
Rood Adeo & NATD live @ Radio 6 - VPRO's Shouting Boots
(photo Ans Beentjes, VPRO)

27 oct 2006

Rood Adeo & NATD in concett
Schouwburg Odeon Zwolle
Blijmarkt 25,  8011ND

25 mar 2006

Concert Hall Vredenburg Utrecht (NL)

Observant Spectator Live @ Nacht van de Poëzie
International Literature Festival Utrecht
Concert Hall Vredenburg Utrecht, The Netherlands

(words & music by Rood Adeo)
line-up: Rood Adeo, vocals & piano; Toon Meijer, tenor saxophone; Pieter Klaassen, guitar;
Bob Wisselink, double bass; Thijs Verwer, drums

From the Rood Adeo & NATD studio album Transit Cellophane
Recorded: March 25, 2006 * for the live registration: click HERE

29 nov 2005

(words & music by BENARD IGHNER • 1945 – 2017)

Nina Simone Tribute 2005, Greetings From Nijmegen; City of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, charity event for
Kinder Oncologisch Centrum (KOC) Nijmegen, featuring Frank Boeijen, Fay Claassen, Maud Mulder, Rood Adeo, Loek Schrievers, Toon Meijer, Bob Wisselink, a.m.m.

'Everything Must Change’ first appeared on the 2005 album Greetings From Nijmegen (Bones Records)
Recorded and mixed by Henk Wanders at Studio XAPAaudio, Gendt
Mastered by Henk Wanders at Studio Ammix, Nijmegen
Photography by Ton Gelsing
Vid by Silly Sound ©2005 Bones Records ©2020 Silly Sound

EN - 'Rood's performance of 'The other woman' is wonderful. The musical accompaniment is very minimalist, but extremely effective. Rood plays the piano himself and brought a trombonist and clarinettist along. Nina Simone's special sound is unmatchable, but Rood comes closest tonight: he keeps the notes long, has the same timing as Nina Simone and even snatches of the same timbre can be heard (...)' [VPRO 3voor12]

NE - 'Prachtig is de uitvoering van 'The Other Woman' door Rood. De muzikale begeleiding is zeer minimalistisch, maar bijzonder doeltreffend. Rood speelt zelf piano en heeft iemand op trombone en klarinet meegenomen. Het bijzondere geluid van Nina Simone is niet te evenaren, maar Rood komt er vanavond het dichtste bij: hij houdt de tonen lang aan, heeft dezelfde timing als Nina Simone en zelfs zijn flarden van hetzelfde timbre te horen. (...)' [VPRO 3voor12]


18 Jun 2005

Dimitri Verhulst en Rood Adeo & NATD
Grand Gala
18 Jun 2005 - 20.30u
Atrium City Hall - Den Haag
Stichting Fonds voor de Letteren
Vlaams Fonds voor de Letteren

29 sep 2004

Rood Adeo gladly accepted the invitation to be part of the European Anti-/Epitaph pre-release of the latest Tom Waits album Real Gone at The Tom Waits Library

Theater Borra, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
September 29th, 2004
NL organization Willem Borra and Kees Lau
NL production Anna and Roger at ANTI-/Epitaph Records

11 aug 2004

Rood Adeo & NATD in concert
August 11th, 2004
Theaterfestival Boulevard 's Hertogenbosch
matinee 15:00h, Theater De Parade Sold Out
soiree 20:15h & 22:15h, Festivalplein, BLVRD podium

01 mar 2003

Rood Adeo & NATD live at VARA's Spijkers Met Koppen

Cabaretiers, muzikanten, politici en presentatoren Jack Spijkerman, Dolf Jansen, Felix Meurders bij het boegbeeld van Radio 2.

11 feb 2003

Rood Adeo & NATD live @ Radio Dinsdag Desmet, HO Amsterdam
Rechtstreeks radioprogramma van de Humanistische Omroep over cultuur, politiek en filosofie met gasten, live muziek en satire vanuit het Amsterdamse café Desmet. Het programma wordt, vanaf 13.30 uur, live uitgezonden op 747 AM vanuit Desmet Studio’s aan de Plantage Middenlaan 4a te Amsterdam. De presentatie is in handen van Theodor Holman.

22 jan 2003

Live vanuit Koningtheater Den Bosch: Rood Adeo & NATD
NCRV Volgspot, Radio 2
presentatie: Hijkco Span

Volgspot is hét kunstzinnig georiënteerde radioprogramma, waarbij muziek, film, theater en kleinkunst centraal staan. In elke uitzending worden kunstenaars door presentator Hijlco Span uitgenodigd om over hun carrière in de kunstwereld te praten. Vandaag met songwriter Rood Adeo.

04 apr 2002

Cover of musician's magazine Music Maker
Rood Adeo & NATD Transit Cellphane

14 feb 2002

The making of Rood Adeo & NATD studio album Transit Cellophane
Bass-player Bob Wisselink, sound engineer Hessel Herder and  Rood Adeo at Wisseloord Studio 2, Hilversum, NL.  (Photo by Duncan de Fey)

ROOD ADEO & NATD Transit Cellophane Produced by NATD • Recorded & Mixed by Hessel Herder between August 2000 and February 2002 at Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, The Netherlands, except 'Cross-Eyed Waltz' recorded at JOOP Mobile Studios • Mastered by Darius van Helfteren.

All tracks published by ROOD Productions except #7 Copyright Control
©2003 ROOD Productions * ©2002-2003 NWR/EMI

22 sep 2000

Weill 2000 Festival
XXI Przeglad Piosenki Aktorskiej - 21th PPA Song Festival

This live double album caps Kurt Weill Year, launched by the Kurt Weill Foundation, New York, 
A compilation of 23 concerts, recorded March 13-20, 2000 on various locations in Wroclaw, Poland.
Weill's timeless songs captured, interpreted and performed by a variety of great artists,  amongst whom Anna Maria Jopek, Nick Cave, jazz vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewater, and Rood Adeo & NATD.

Theatre Festival Kurt Weill 2000 - Live at Polski Theatre Wroclaw
XXI Przeglad Piosenki Aktorskiej March 15th, 2000, Poland

Live XXI PPA registrations:
Listen to Rood Adeo & NATD's 'I'm A Stranger Here Myself'
Listen to Rood Adeo & NATD ft. Dee Dee Bridgewater 'Speak Low'
Line-up: ROOD ADEO vocals, DEE DE BRIDGEWATER vocals, MARIEKE VAN ZUTPHEN saxophones,
FRANK DE KLEER electric guitar, BOB WISSELINK double bass, THIJS VERWER drums & percussion

For the Luna Records XXI PPA double live album, click here: Artysci Pisenki Kurt Weill 
Artysci Piosenki - Kurt Weill LUNMC053-4, MC 053 Poland, 2000
Executive producer URSZULA RUSAK
Cover design JAROSLAW CHYRA, VEA (Manet - Printing, Publishing)


15 mar 2000

THEATRE FESTIVAL WEILL 2000 XXI Przeglad Piosenki Aktorskiej
a.o. Nick Cave, Dee Dee Bridgewater, and Rood Adeo & NATD

This show caps Kurt Weill Year, launched by the Kurt Weill Foundation, New York. Weill's songs will be performed by artists a.o. Anna Maria Jopek, Kazik Staszewski, Dee Dee Bridgewater, and Rood Adeo.
Weill 2000 is a part of the 21st Przeglad Piosenki Aktorskiej (PPA Festival) in Wroclaw, featuring 23 concerts and shows. March 13-20 2000 on various locations in Wroclaw, Poland

concert registration albums released on Luna Records:
volume I:
ft. Nick Cave, Cesaria Evora, Kazik Staszewski, Rood Adeo, a.o.
'Artysci Piosenki' we Wroclawiu, w dniach 8-15 marca 1999
double albums Rózni wykonawcy – Kronika 20. PPA Wroclaw 1999

volume II:
ft. Dee Dee Bridgewater, Anna Maria Jopek, Kazik, Rood Adeo & NATD, a.o.
Artysci Piosenki - Kurt Weill LUNMC053-4, MC 053 Poland, 2000
Executive producer URSZULA RUSAK recorded by BARTOSZ STRABURZYNSKI

(lyrics by Maxwell Anderson • music by Kurt Weill)
From the musical 'One Touch Of Venus'
Live at Polski Theatre Wroclaw
Theatre Festival Kurt Weill 2000
XXI Przeglad Piosenki Aktorskiej March 15th, 2000, Poland

ROOD ADEO and DEE DE BRIDGEWATER vocals, FRANK DE KLEER electric guitar,
BOB WISSELINK double bass, THIJS VERWER drums & percussion

26 jan 2000

Rood Adeo in concert at International Flim Festival Rotterdam (IFFR)
January 26th, 2000 - Rotterdamse Schouwburg
Public Price - Zhang Yang Shower (China)

'IFFR, een begrip voor de film- en cultuurliefhebber. Ontmoet de filmmakers en acteurs aan de bar en in de talkshows. Laat je diep mee de nacht in voeren door de verbluffende band NATD met frontman en enfant terrible génial Rood Adeo!' [NTB agenda Jan 2000]

27 dec 1999

Rood Adeo & NATD are preparing for the release and performance of the single How About The Next Millennium at VPRO's De Plantage TV art talkshow, hosted by Hanneke Groenteman, (watch live on Jan 16, 16:00h and listen live on VPRO a/d Amstel Millennium Night Special RADIO on Dec 31, 20:00h - 02.00h

[pic ltr: Rood Adeo, Frank de Kleer, Bob Wisselink and Thijs Verwer] (photography by Niels Broekema)

10 nov 1999

Rood Adeo & Emanuel Pessanha are recording Retrato, at Wijnfort Lent with Teresa Tapadas, Servais Haanen, Raimundo Seixas, Loek Schrievers, Bob Wisselink, Eric de Bruijn, Jan Baltussen en Henk Wanders at Wijnfort Lent and Xapa Audio Gendt and Studio Ammix Nijmegen. This is going to be beautiful and a lot of fun! We keep you posted!

25 sep 1999

Rood Adeo & NATD Live at NFF 1999, Sep 25th
Nederlands Film Festival
Stadsschouwburg Utrecht, Lucasbolwerk

21 sep 1999

XX Przeglad Piosenki Aktorskiej - 20th Artists of Song Review
various artists a.o. Nick Cave, Cesaria Evora, and Rood Adeo & NATD

Also on this album: Rood Adeo & NATD'S 'To Be A Man'
For the Luna Records Artysci Piosenki double album CLICK HERE
With live recordings from the PPA Festival, Theatr Polski, Wroclaw, March 8-15, 1999

About the album: 'This album is special. A unique and indefinable registration of Wroclaw's Przeglad Piosenki Aktorskiej Festival. Hundreds of such immortal songs - hits - were sung in Wroclaw, leaving the audience with unforgettable memories, favorite hits and artists.'  [Jacek Antczak, Polish Word]

21 jul 1999

Rood Adeo & NATD in concert at Östersjöfestivalen
Baltic Song Contest Karslhamn, Sweden
July 21-25, 1999

29 mrt 1999

Rood Adeo & NATD live on talk show MdM TVP1, Poland

(teksty i muzyka: ROOD ADEO)

watch ROOD ADEO & NATD - To Be A Man Live @ MdM TVP1 here

28 aug 1998

rood adeo award Sopot Poland - prijswinnend prijs
Rood Adeo & NATD - Sopot Awards

'NIJMEGEN/SOPOT - Dutch band NATD won the press and audience award at the Sopot International Festival in Poland. The jury prize went to Italian Alex Baroni. (...)'  [De Gelderlander]

26 jun 1998

Franque et Rouge going croissant ‘n’ oeuf.

In the early morning of June 26th, Frank de Kleer and Rood Adeo stuffed Frank’s lockless Opel Kadettilac E (sixth generation Kadett, 1985 European Car of the Year, three doors, four tires, swooping teardrop shape, length: 3998 mm, width 1663 mm, highth 1400 mm, design by Gordon M. Brown) and are heading South, trembling and shaking.
Coming weekend they’ll be in awe of world’s most intimidating guitarists (the very hot Hot Club de France masters), attending the Django Festival in Samois-sur-Seine. A humbling experience, for sure. Hopefully, somewhere around August they will be able to hold their heads up high again...
À bientôt, mes amours!

21 feb 1998

For Rood's song To Be A Man, none other than Oene van Geel has written a beautiful arrangement, which will be performed by his incomparable Zapp String Quartet. F*cking Brilliant!
After rehearsals at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, now the studio work starts at the 25th!

Rood Adeo & NATD are recording Walkin' On Eggs at Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum
Thanks to Oene, Jasper Le Clerq, Willem van Baarsen, Bonno Lange, Eef van Breen, Sander van der Heide, Patrick Ulenberg, Hans Bedeker, Henk ‘DSD’ Korff, and Bart Sloothaak for their ossified contributions!
Lizzy, ain’t it a dog’s breakfast?

watch ROOD ADEO & NATD recording Walkin' On Eggs here

14 feb 1997

Rood Adeo Killing Sparrows

Rood & NATD Fool's Tango album release concert
Engineered and mixed by Andreas Kretschmeier and Raoul Soentken
Produced by NATD
Mastered at Cut’n’Clear Music Amsterdam
(Photography by Luuk Dinjens)

14 oct 1995

Rood Adeo and Jens Fossum at Jessheim Theatre Oslo, Norway, 1995
(photography by Mareye Dupont)

03 sep 1995

Rood Adeo & NATD with poet and writer Jules Deelder
TAALMANAK, CC De Lindenberg, September 1995

20 sep 1994

Marieke van Zutphen and Rood Adeo at Cantina del Arte
Collectief Café De Cantine, Berg en Dalseweg, Nijmegen, NL
(photography by Mareye Dupont)

no description available